
Our guide, Jacob, was just wonderful, answering all of our questions so patiently. He also, thoughtfully, gave us plenty of space once we were on the rails. We had a foggy, 9am reservation in Coquille for 4 family members. It was an absolute memory maker; we laughed the whole way. Being late September, it was chilly going out & we wished we had dressed warmer (even though it would later become an 82 degree day). It was absolutely gorgeous seeing the dewey spider webs and shafts of morning sunlight coming through the doug firs & fog. Coming back, we appreciated the sunshine (plenty of sun and shade all along the route). Something unexpected: seeing the online photos, we kind of expected all the carts to be one right after the other; close together. But in reality, we appreciated the huge spaces between each of us. We essentially were “all alone”, laughing & enjoying ourselves (until we would see Jacob up ahead, waiting for us before crossing a side road). This was such a wonderful experience. Thank you so much!!
